This Week @ MHS

By Elaine Grublin

Our winter/spring event season is in full swing. Mark you calendar and plan to attend at least one event this week.

Tuesday, 31 January, at 5:15 PM, the Boston Immigration and Urban History Seminar Series makes it 2012 debut with “Orphan Evacuation or Big Business?“韩国人收养的制度化”,由波士顿学院的Arissa Oh主持. Susan Zeiger, Primary Source, will provide the comment. Seminars are free and open to the public, but an RSVP is required. 

Wednesday, 1 February, at 12:00 PM, W.B.H. Dowse Fellow Robyn McMillin, University of Oklahoma, 将呈现一个1小时的午餐节目,内容是她的研究“美式科学?, 1690-1820: Texts, Objects, and Ideas in Popular Practice.” 

Thursday, 2 February, at 6:00 PM, Ann Lucas Birle, International Center for Jefferson Studies, to discuss the recently published 托马斯·杰斐逊的孙女在维多利亚女王时代的英国:艾伦·韦尔斯·柯立芝的旅行日记, 1838-1839. 该活动将于下午5点30分举行招待会,也是免费向公众开放的. To ensure that we have a seat for you, please register for the event.  

Visit our online calendar for more details about the programs listed above. And please note that there is no building tour scheduled for Saturday, 4 February. Tours will resume on Saturday, 11 February at 10:00 AM.



Stephen Greenleaf Bulfinch, Post 10

By Elaine Grublin

The following excerpt is from the diary of Stephen Greenleaf Bulfinch,其中包括布尔芬奇对过去一年发生的事件的看法,以及对英国的一些评论 Trent Affair. 

Thursday, January 2d

The close of the year 1861 has led back my thoughts over its course. It has been one of sadness to the country, and in some degree of disgrace, from the madness on one side, the imbecility at first on the other, 以及人们利用国家的苦难来牟取私利的无原则行为. 但是,在爱国情感的崇高复活中,我们要感谢上帝很多. We are just delivered, – we trust, – from the great danger of a war with England, about the capture of Mason & Slidell. Their surrender, consummated yesterday, is in accordance with American views of the rights of neutrals, & will, we hope, remove in some degree the bitter prejudice of our English cousins, – in whom we feel a good deal disappointed.

Monday, January 13th

我们有消息说,一支伟大的探险队正从开罗沿密西西比河而下 & of Gen. Burnside’s expedition from Annapolis for parts unknown, 波托马克河的军队已经做好了快速前进的准备. God save the United States!

From abroad, we hear of a somewhat better feeling in England towards us, 我们希望当他们听说我们默许了他们释放我们囚犯的要求时,他们会更加愤怒吗, Slidell, Mason & etc. 然而,对于英国所追求的事业,这里有许多鼓舞人心的因素. Another item of recent news is the death of Prince Albert, who seems to have been universally esteemed & lamented.


Guest Post: Uncovering A Passionate Friendship

By By Laura Prieto, Simmons College

Love letters come in many varieties, but there’s a resonant familiarity about the language of longing.

爱丽丝·巴奇·古尔德和亨丽埃塔·查尔德是剑桥柯克兰街的邻居. 这些年轻的女性都非常热爱书籍,喜欢讨论她们的想法和项目.  Literary accomplishments marked the male and female lines of both of their families; Alice’s relatives included poet Anna Cabot Lowell Quincy Waterston, and author Catharine Sedgwick was Henrietta’s great-aunt.

亨丽埃塔继续她的非正式学习,而爱丽丝的野心带她离开了新英格兰:去布林莫尔攻读学士学位,最终去芝加哥大学攻读数学博士学位. 爱丽丝希望成为一名学者和大学教师,而亨丽埃塔则觉得对家里有责任. In 1896, both young women lost their brilliant fathers, 天文学家本杰明·阿普索普·古尔德和哈佛教授弗朗西斯·詹姆斯·查尔德.  爱丽丝的旅行圈子越来越大,从剑桥到芝加哥再到加勒比海. 她找不到她想要的那种教学职位,她发现写论文越来越难了.

在那些不安的岁月里,爱丽丝一直通过信件与亨丽埃塔保持og体育官网. They wrote lengthily and often, sometimes daily.  建议、观察、笑话、食谱和轻浮,都有它们在交换的书页上的位置. 这两个女人甚至通过通信继续他们严肃的研究, taking up the History of Mathematics written in 1758 by French author Jean Étienne Montucla (1725-1799).  爱丽丝在1902年10月拜访了亨丽埃塔,然后和另一位朋友兼邻居乘船前往波多黎各, Susie Preble. “我看海军跟踪你是为了看一看你随身携带的低领连衣裙,” teased Henrietta.

Alice and Henrietta’s affection and intimacy are always in evidence, 但是他们在1902-1903年的长时间分离导致亨丽埃塔对她与母亲和妹妹呆在一起的“责任”感到恼火. (Alice Bache Gould Papers, MsN-1309, Box 14, Folder 9) She confessed to Alice,

I have been indulging in thoughts, or dreams perhaps, about you, thinking how it would be if we could go off together, 我们该如何相处——你和我在一起会不会和没有我一样沮丧, 不过,如果离开家是对的,我还是愿意冒险的——因为我不喜欢你一个人走 & I thought in some ways it would be a change that I could put to use. I could study & cheer you up a bit & together — Well the rest was sentiment & not over wise, not according to the real way of life I suppose.

I am going to Montucla now, & be sensible.

Your loving friend,


I think of you a lot.

Don’t be discouraged, my little girl. Keep up brave heart, & 尽量把事情做到最好,那么事情就不会那么糟糕. I should like to be beside you to night when the lights were out & then we could have a talk.

Henrietta’s language is so passionate, and seems so un-self-conscious. What should we make of it? In the 1970s, 像卡罗尔·史密斯-罗森伯格这样的女性历史学家开始研究19世纪美国女性之间盛行的“浪漫友谊”. 这种紧密的关系通常始于学校,并在家庭领域的“女性世界”中得到培养, wherein women were supposed to be the affectionate, sentimental, innocent sex. In adulthood, 这种关系可以与女性传统的男女求爱和婚姻共存, or they could become her primary commitments. 当这些女人住在一起时,她们可能被称为“波士顿婚姻”.” Whether they were lovers in a physical sense is usually impossible to prove either way, and scholars differ on whether the sexual aspects even matter. Are the erotic possibilities essential or a prurient distraction?

They never lived together, as Henrietta fantasized doing; but Henrietta Child and Alice Bache Gould fit the quintessential profile of romantic friends. 她们都是受过良好教育的某一社会阶层的女性,彼此之间充满了深情和亲密. 他们用求爱的语言表达彼此的感情, welcomed physical closeness, and used playful, maternal endearments (“my little girl”). They never married. 如果他们的信件中有什么让历史学家感到惊讶的话,那就是他们的时机. 亨丽埃塔在爱丽丝·米切尔轰动一时的审判十年后写下了这封信, 她说她谋杀了她亲爱的朋友弗雷达·沃德,“因为她爱她”,不能和她在一起. 法庭和媒体指控米切尔“不自然的感情”、性变态和精神错乱. By then, 理查德·冯·克拉夫特-埃宾和其他性学先驱的理论已经开始将“同性恋”归类为一种精神疾病. Publicity cast new suspicion on intense same-sex friendships, making unseemly what had no one had objected to before. Yet in early 1900s Cambridge, 合适的年轻女性仍然可以“沉溺”于彼此相爱的感觉中.

Alice’s search for fulfillment eventually took her to Simancas, Spain, 在那里,她对哥伦布的第一次航行进行了开创性的档案研究.S. embassy during World War I. Henrietta ended up on an adventure of her own. In 1911, after her mother’s death, 她离开了新英格兰,在伯里亚农村的欣德曼定居学校教书, Kentucky. 她在那里度过了她的余生,在当地的学校系统中作为一个鼓舞人心的故事讲述者.

日益恶劣的环境和来自家庭的压力可能使她们无法“结伴而行”,但她们相爱的友谊给了亨丽埃塔和爱丽丝追求有意义生活的力量, on their own terms.



The Joy of Discoveries: Answering a Visitor’s Question

By Elaine Grublin

It is always fun to make a connections in surprising places.  更有趣的是,当这些og体育官网是由一个游客向MHS提出的问题引起的.

Last week, a visitor to our current exhibition The Purchase by Blood: Massachusetts in the Civil War, 1861-1862, asked a simple question that I could not answer.  The question, was Stephen Perkins ——一个在展览中展出的士兵——与珀金斯(Perkins)有关,珀金斯(Perkins)的名字与the Perkins School for the Blind

Unable to answer the questions off the cuff, 我答应研究一下这段关系,并通过电子邮件给你答复. This lead me on a serendipidious mission.

帕金斯(Thomas Handasyd Perkins, 1764-1854)是波士顿最成功的中国商人之一,也是这所学校的早期捐助者, 他卖掉了自己的房子(学校在这里住了一年),并捐赠了资金,以便随着入学人数的增加,学校可以搬到一个更大的地方. MHS收藏了大量帕金斯的个人和商业文件(见收藏指南) here), which is where I started my search. 但我无法确定托马斯·汉德赛德·珀金斯和斯蒂芬·珀金斯之间是否有明确的家族关系.  So I changed my search strategy and turned to our online catalog, ABIGAIL, for assistance. 

通过阿比盖尔,我发现我们展览中展出的斯蒂芬·珀金斯的照片是唯一一件归功于珀金斯本人的物品. 因此,我继续在珀金斯家族的各个成员的条目中挖掘,直到发现了一个通用的主题标题“珀金斯家族”,这把我带到了一个项目的目录记录中,这个项目似乎有希望揭示手头问题的明确答案:一个大的正面标题 The Perkins Family of Boston.  Dashing to the stacks to view the broadside, 我很高兴地看到,这是一张很大的家谱图,显示出托马斯·汉德赛德·珀金斯和斯蒂芬·G·珀金斯之间有og体育官网. Perkins, killed at the Battle of Cedar Mountain in the Civil War. 

看了看图表,我发现托马斯有一个兄弟叫塞缪尔,生于1767年. Samuel had a son, who he named Stephen, in 1804.  That Stephen also had a son named Stephen, born in 1835.  That Stephen, the grandson of Thomas Handasyd Perkins’ brother Samuel, was the Stephen pictured in our exhibition. 




This Week @ MHS

By Elaine Grublin

对于那些喜欢参加MHS活动的人,你看过新的在线活动日历了吗?  If not, click here to view it.  新的日历汇集了我们所有的事件在一个容易准备-容易转移到自己的口袋规划师-格式.  正在进行的活动,比如展览,都列在页面的左侧.  所有活动的标题都链接到更完整的活动描述,并提供如何回复的信息.  Enjoy!

Looking at this week, please note that the Boston Environmental History Seminar schedule for Tuesday evening, 10 January, has bee n postponed.  “移动的天堂和[鱼,鲸鱼和贝壳]”的新日期是1月24日星期二. Nate Deshmukh Towery, MIT Comment will present and Matthew McKenzie, University of Connecticut – Avery Point will give the comment.

On Wednesday, 11 January at noon, Millington Bergeson-Lockwood of George Mason University will present 非裔美国人政治与内战后波士顿的公民身份边界. 这次演讲探讨了非裔美国人在波士顿的政治活动范围,以及公民权利和政治包容的挑战如何与美国政党制度的变革和民族国家权力的变化交织在一起. 它寻求发现探索黑人和白人政治联盟的新途径,并进一步扩大非裔美国人男女的政治史.

And on Saturday, 14 January, our building tour, The History and Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, departs our lobby at 10:00 AM.


另外请注意,为纪念马丁·路德·金纪念日,MHS将于1月16日(星期一)关闭. Day.


New on our Shelves: Vincent Carretta On the Elusive Phillis Wheatley

By Tracy Potter

With his latest book, Phillis Wheatley: Biography of a Genius in Bondage (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2011), Vincent Carretta, 2008-2009年hhs - neh长期研究员,马里兰大学教授, 提供了第一个完整的传记,难以捉摸的非裔美国诗人菲利斯·惠特利. 除了她自己的文学作品,惠特利几乎没有留下什么og体育平台她生活的证据. Rising to the challenge, 卡雷塔查阅了世界各地的档案,研究了惠特利的全部作品, 这使得他比以往任何传记作家都更深入地探究了惠特利的世界.

Brought by a slave ship, Phillis Wheatley arrived in Boston in 1761. 约翰·惠特利,一个成功的裁缝商人,买下菲利斯做他的私人仆人. 很快,这个家庭发现他们与菲利斯形成了一种非传统的关系,把她当作女儿而不是奴隶. Phillis excelled at writing and began composing poetry at an early age. Understanding Phillis’ talent, 惠特利一家在英国找到了一家出版商,出版了菲利斯的诗集. 1773年,菲利斯跟随她的工作来到英国,受到英国人的欢迎和赞扬. Upon her return to Boston in 1774, the Wheatley’s freed Phillis. By 1778, 菲利斯的诗歌创作逐渐减少,她嫁给了约翰·彼得斯, a man that would fall in and out of her life until her death in 1784. 

Carretta’s critically acclaimed Phillis Wheatley 提出了og体育平台诗人生活的新理论,包括菲利斯是如何到达美国的, her earliest written poem, her involvement in her rise as a literary star, and her large network of friends both in America and England. 卡雷塔还透露了og体育平台惠特利和她丈夫约翰·彼得斯的新发现,包括他们婚姻生活的细节, Peters’s personal character, and his life after Wheatley’s death in 1784. 这些新发现引入了og体育平台惠特利和她的家庭的挑衅性观点,可能会在未来几年引发历史学家的争论. 

As part of the MHS Author Talk Lecture Series, 文森特·卡雷塔在11月初回到MHS庆祝他的书的发行 Phillis Wheatley: Biography of a Genius in Bondage. During the lecture, Carretta spoke about researching his book, several of his discoveries, and answered questions regarding Wheatley and his research. To view a video of the event click here.

如果您想查看由MHS拥有的韦奕礼手稿,请访问我们的 Phillis Wheatley page, which is part of our larger African Americans and the End of Slavery in Massachusetts web presentation.  If you would like to read more about Vincent Carretta’s Phillis Wheatley: Biography of a Genius in Bondage, check out Publisher’s Weekly star review here.