ca. 1853-1935

Guide to the Photograph Collection

Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. 该系列以彩色数字复制品的形式提供 (see links below).

Collection Summary


这个系列由320个幻灯片组成,描绘了 波士顿的建筑物、街道和景色. 1853-1900 and 1933-1935.

Collection Description

这个系列由320个幻灯片组成,描绘了波士顿的建筑、街道和风景 在两个系列中,一个包含160张照片,拍摄于1853年至1900年之间,另一个 包含167张拍摄于1933年至1935年的照片. 主题包括波士顿公共图书馆, 法尼尔大厅,老南教堂,老北教堂和其他各种教堂和酒店. 两组幻灯片描绘了从州议会大厦俯瞰波士顿的全景和一些图片 illustrate Tremont Street. 第一个系列的大部分幻灯片都没有注明日期. The photographer for both series is unknown.

写在每张幻灯片边缘的描述都保留在幻灯片的标题中. 每张幻灯片的原始标识——字母为早期街景,数字为早期街景 后来的街景也被保留了下来.

Acquisition Information

Gift of John Booras, October 2009.

Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. 该系列以彩色数字复制品的形式提供 (see links below).

Other Formats


Detailed Description of the Collection

I. 19th century street scenes, ca. 1853-1900digital content

Box 1#6.12.1 digitized
A: State House, circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.2 digitized
B: "Franklin St. looking up," circa 1863
Box 1#6.12.3 digitized
C: "Masonic Temple, cor. Tremont & Boylston St.," circa 1867-1895
Box 1#6.12.4 digitized
D: "State St. looking up," circa 1853-1879
Box 1#6.12.5 digitized
F: "Cor. Tremont and Park St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.6 digitized
G: "Arlington St. Church, cor. Arlington & Boylston St.," after 1861
Box 1#6.12.7 digitized
H: "New Old South Church, cor. Boylston & Dartmouth St.," after 1875
Box 1#6.12.8 digitized
I: "Tremont St. East Side, looking north from Mason St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.9 digitized
J: "Tremont House, cor. Beacon & Tremont St.," circa 1853-1895
Box 1#6.12.10 digitized
Box 1#6.12.11 digitized
Box 1#6.12.12 digitized
N: "St. 保罗教堂和共济会教堂,特雷蒙街.," circa 1865
Box 1#6.12.13 digitized
O: "Revere House, Bowdoin Sq.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.14 digitized
P: "Franklin St. looking down from Wash. St.," circa 1870-1872
Box 1#6.12.15 digitized
Q: "Old North Church, Salem St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.16 digitized
Box 1#6.12.17 digitized
S: "The Old Feather Store, cor. North St. & Faneuil Hall Sq.," circa 1860
Box 1#6.12.18 digitized
U: "Old Post Office," circa 1874
Box 1#6.12.19 digitized
W: "Faneuil Hall Market," before 1868
Box 1#6.12.20 digitized
X: "Braman Dow & Co., Haymarket Square," after 1864
Box 1#6.12.21 digitized
Y: "King's Chapel, cor. Tremont & School St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.22 digitized
Z: "State St. looking up," after 1873
Box 1#6.12.23 digitized
AA: "School St. looking up from Wash St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.24 digitized
AD: "Old Custom House, Custom House St.," circa 1880s
Box 1#6.12.25 digitized
AF: "Federal St. looking south," after 1866
Box 1#6.12.26 digitized
AG: "Looking east on Beacon St., cor. Beacon & Park St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.27 digitized
AH: "Looking down Park St., cor. Beacon & Park St.," circa 1886
Box 1#6.12.28 digitized
AI: "Albion Hotel removed 1887, cor. Tremont & Beacon St.," circa 1877-1887
Box 1#6.12.29 digitized
AJ: "Horticultural Hall, Tremont St., erected 1865," after 1865
Box 1#6.12.30 digitized
AK: "Dock Sq. 沿着康希尔,在华盛顿街延伸之前.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.31 digitized
AL: "Faneuil Hall Sq. south side," circa 1850s-1860s
Box 1#6.12.32 digitized
AM: "Trinity Church, cor. Summer and Hawley St.," before 1872
Box 1#6.12.33 digitized
AN: "Bowdoin Sq. Church, built 1840," circa 1900
Box 1#6.12.34 digitized
AO: "Niles Block, cor. School St. & City Hall Ave.," circa 1888
Box 1#6.12.35 digitized
AP: "Franklin St. south side, looking down from Wash. St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.36 digitized
AQ: "Hotel Pelham, cor. Boylston & Tremont St.," after 1857
Box 1#6.12.37 digitized
AR: "Boylston Market, cor. Wash. & Boylston St.," circa 1861-1887
Box 1#6.12.38 digitized
AS: "Boylston St., looking east from Arlington St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.39 digitized
AT: "Cor. Park & Tremont St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.40 digitized
AU: "Old Corner Bookstore, cor. Wash. & School St.," after 1869
Box 1#6.12.41 digitized
AV: "Boston Museum, Tremont St. east side," circa 1850s-1870s
Box 1#6.12.42 digitized
Box 1#6.12.43 digitized
AY: "Scollay Sq., looking down Cornhill & Brattle St.," before 1870
Box 1#6.12.44 digitized
AZ: "Bowdoin Sq., looking west on […] and Green Sts.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.45 digitized
BA: "Fort Hill Sq., Washington Place," circa 1855
Box 1#6.12.46 digitized
BB: "Fort Hill Sq., Washington Place," circa 1855
Box 1#6.12.47 digitized
BC: "Tudor Bldg., cor. Court St. & Court Sq.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.48 digitized
BD: "Built by […. 1806 or 1866], cor. Broad & State St.," circa 1865-1872
Box 1#6.12.49 digitized
BE: "Adams Sq. looking up Cornhill & Brattle St.," 1900
Box 1#6.12.50 digitized
BF: "Adams Sq., down to Faneuil Hall," 1900
Box 1#6.12.51 digitized
BG: "Dock Sq., looking up to Washington St.," circa 1860
Box 1#6.12.52 digitized
BH: "Boston Museum of Fine Arts, cor. Hunt. Ave. & Dartmouth St.," after 1876
Box 1#6.12.53 digitized
BI: "Res. of Samuel N. 布朗,波士顿公共图书馆所在地,约1872-1888年
Box 1#6.12.54 digitized
BJ: "Cor. Warren & Dudley St.," circa 1870s
Box 1#6.12.55 digitized
BK: "Hotel Vendome, cor. Com. Ave. & Dartmouth St.," circa 1872-1881
Box 1#6.12.56 digitized
BL: "Samuel S. Pierce Groc. Store, cor. Court & Tremont St.," before 1887
Box 1#6.12.57 digitized
BM: "Masonic Temple 1864-1895, cor. Boylston & Tremont St.," circa 1870
Box 1#6.12.58 digitized
BN: "Tudor Bldg., cor. Court St. & Court Sq.," 1875
Box 1#6.12.59 digitized
BO: "Haymarket Sq., Boston & Maine R.R. Sta.," 1870
Box 1#6.12.60 digitized
BQ: "Cor. Tremont & Hollis St.," before 1887
Box 1#6.12.61 digitized
比:“温斯洛普广场,从夏街往北看.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.62 digitized
BS: "Res. of Theophilus Lyon, Summer St. between High & Federal St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 1#6.12.63 digitized
BT: "Washington St. east side, left of Water St.," 1860
Box 1#6.12.64 digitized
BU: "Washington St. east side, from Spring Lane to Milk St.," circa 1860
Box 1#6.12.65 digitized
BV: "Washington St. south, at head of Milk St.," circa 1857-1868
Box 2#6.12.66 digitized
BX: "Franklin St.1860年之后,从霍利到德文郡
Box 2#6.12.67 digitized
BY: "Winthrop Place, Now [New?] Devonshire St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.68 digitized
BZ: "New Eng. Mut. Life. Ins. Co. Bldg., cor. State & Congress St.," circa 1866
Box 2#6.12.69 digitized
CB: "Cor. Tremont & Winter St.," circa 1870s
Box 2#6.12.70 digitized
CC:“省法院,向西望省街.," 1899
Box 2#6.12.71 digitized
Box 2#6.12.72 digitized
CE: "Sheaffe House, cor. Columbia & Essex St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.73 digitized
CF:“市政厅,1841年至1862年用作市政厅.," circa 1865
Box 2#6.12.74 digitized
CG:“Paul Revere House,修复前”,大约1853-1900年
Box 2#6.12.75 digitized
CH: "Tremont St. 东区,在布罗姆菲尔德和学校街之间.," circa 1859
Box 2#6.12.76 digitized
CI:“从18号州议会大厦看到的景象 & Public Garden," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.77 digitized
CJ: "Old Leather & Feather Store, cor. North St. & Fan. Hall Sq.," circa 1860s-1870s
Box 2#6.12.78 digitized
CK:“梅森大厅1800-1817,安(现在的北)街.," circa 1860s-1870s
Box 2#6.12.79 digitized
CL: "N.Y. & N.E. R.R. Sta. at foot of Summer St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.80 digitized
CM: "W.H. Piper Bookstore, Wash St. at head of Franklin St.," circa 1870s
Box 2#6.12.81 digitized
CN: "Cor. Purchase & Oliver St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.82 digitized
CO: "Beacon St., north from Arlington St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.83 digitized
CP: "Cor. Mt. Vernon & Beacon St.," circa 1880s-1890s
Box 2#6.12.84 digitized
CQ: "Arlington St. Church, cor. Boylston & Arlington St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.85 digitized
CR: "Nims Stable, Mason St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.86 digitized
CS: "Traveler Bldg., cor. State and Congress St.," circa 1871
Box 2#6.12.87 digitized
CT: "Province St., from Bromfield to School St.," circa 1890s
Box 2#6.12.88 digitized
CU: "Wells-Adams House, Salem St. built 1660," before 1894
Box 2#6.12.89 digitized
CV: "Traveler Bldg., cor. State & Congress St.," circa 1870
Box 2#6.12.90 digitized
CW: "North corner, cor. Water and Wash. St.," circa 1862
Box 2#6.12.91 digitized
CX: "Mass. Char. Mech. Assoc. Bldg., cor. Col. Ave & Pleasant St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.92 digitized
CY: "Avon Place, looking from Wash. St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.93 digitized
CZ: "Cor. Wash. & Bromfield St.," circa 1895
Box 2#6.12.94 digitized
DA:“奥蒂斯广场左侧,朝夏街方向.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.95 digitized
DB: "Otis Place, Old Blake & Bancroft houses," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.96 digitized
DC: Church Green, […] of Summer & Bedford St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.97 digitized
Box 2#6.12.98 digitized
DE: "Cor. Beacon & Bowdoin St.," after 1881
Box 2#6.12.99 digitized
DF:“1869年国家和平纪念日,体育馆大厦.," circa 1869
Box 2#6.12.100 digitized
DG: "Crystal Palace," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.101 digitized
DH: "Joy's Bldg., Wash. St. opp. State St.," circa 1870-1871
Box 2#6.12.102 digitized
DI: "Sun Tavern, Faneuil Hall Sq.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.103 digitized
DJ: "Washington St. west side, between School & Bromfield St.," circa 1862
Box 2#6.12.104 digitized
DK: "Pemberton Sq., looking north," circa 1860
Box 2#6.12.105 digitized
DL: "New Old South Church, cor. Boylston & Dartmouth St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.106 digitized
DM: "Brattle St. Church, cor. Brattle St. & Brattle Sq.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.107 digitized
DN: "Old South Church, cor. Wash. & Milk St.," circa 1870s
Box 2#6.12.108 digitized
DP: "Winthrop House, cor. Tremont & Boylston St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.109 digitized
DQ: "Masonic Temple, cor. Temple Place & Tremont St., being razed for R. H. Stearns," circa 1885
Box 2#6.12.110 digitized
Box 2#6.12.111 digitized
DT: "Boylston St., looking west from Church St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.112 digitized
DU: "Bowdoin Sq., looking east towards Scollay Sq.," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.113 digitized
DW: "View over Boston, S.E. from State House," late 1850s
Box 2#6.12.114 digitized
DX: "E.S.E. 19世纪50年代末,从州议会大厦俯瞰波士顿
Box 2#6.12.115 digitized
DY: "N.N.W. 从州议会大厦俯瞰波士顿”,大约1853-1900年
Box 2#6.12.116 digitized
DZ: "View S.S.E. 从州议会大厦,从公园到特雷蒙街.," late 1850s
Box 2#6.12.117 digitized
EA: 19世纪70年代以前的《og体育官网》
Box 2#6.12.118 digitized
EB: "View over Boston, N.E. from State House," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.119 digitized
EC: "View over Boston, W.N.W. from State House," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.120 digitized
ED: "View over Boston, N.W. from State House," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.121 digitized
EE: "View over Boston, S. from State House," late 1850s
Box 2#6.12.122 digitized
EF: "Tremont St. 拓宽前,从霍利斯街向北望去.," circa 1869
Box 2#6.12.123 digitized
EG: "Tremont St. 从艾略特向北,在1869年拓宽之前,大约在1869年
Box 2#6.12.124 digitized
EH: "Tremont St. 从霍利斯向南,在1869年拓宽之前,“大约在1869年
Box 2#6.12.125 digitized
EI: "Tremont St. S. 在1869年拓宽之前,“大约在1869年
Box 2#6.12.126 digitized
EJ: "Tremont St. No. 从普莱森特,在1869年拓宽之前,“大约1869年
Box 2#6.12.127 digitized
EK: "Tremont St. No. 在1869年拓宽之前,“大约在1869年
Box 2#6.12.128 digitized
EL: "Tremont St. 从艾略特向南,在1869年拓宽之前,大约在1869年
Box 2#6.12.129 digitized
EN: "Howard Athenaeum," circa 1853-1900
Box 2#6.12.130 digitized
EO:“国家剧院,波特兰特拉弗斯街附近.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.131 digitized
EP: "Globe Theatre, Washington St. cor. Hayward," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.132 digitized
ES: "Federal St. Church, cor. Federal & Franklin St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.133 digitized
ET: "Mass. Gen. Hospital (left), Harvard Med. School (right)," 1853
Box 3#6.12.134 digitized
EU: "New South Church, Church Green, cor. Summer & Bedford St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.135 digitized
EV: "Summer near High St.,丹尼尔·韦伯斯特院子右边的树。” circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.136 digitized
EW: Bromfield St., looking up to Tremont St.," 1859
Box 3#6.12.137 digitized
例:“汉考克大厦(酒馆),法尼尔大厅广场旁的玉米庭院.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.138 digitized
EY: "Summer St. south side, down from Washington St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.139 digitized
EZ: "Old State House," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.140 digitized
FA: "Providence Station, Park Sq.," before 1876
Box 3#6.12.141 digitized
FB: "Castle Sq. Theatre," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.142 digitized
FE: "Museum of Fine Arts, cor. Dartmouth St. & Huntington Ave.," circa 1890-1901
Box 3#6.12.143 digitized
FF: "N.E. Cor. Tremont & Boylston St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.144 digitized
FG: "Boylston Market, cor. Wash. & Boylston St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.145 digitized
FI: "Hemenway Bldg., cor. Court & Tremont St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.146 digitized
FJ: "Beacon St., north from Park St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.147 digitized
FM: "Brattle St. Church, cor. Brattle St. & Brattle Sq.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.148 digitized
FN: "Boston & Providence R.R., Park Sq.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.149 digitized
FO: "Providence Depot, Park Sq.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.150 digitized
FP: "Pemberton Sq., looking east," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.151 digitized
FR: "Cor. Temple R. & Tremont St.," 1860
Box 3#6.12.152 digitized
FT: "Blake & Alden Store, 59 Brattle St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.153 digitized
FU: "Old Corner Book Store, cor. Wash. & School St.," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.154 digitized
第二普救主义教堂,学校街., down," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.155 digitized
FW: "Old Boston Museum, Tremont St. east side," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.156 digitized
FX: "Hotel Boylston, cor. Boylston & Tremont St., site of Touraine Hotel," circa 1853-1900
Box 3#6.12.157 digitized
FY: "Central House, Brattle Sq.," 1860
Box 3#6.12.158 digitized
FZ: "Park St. Church, cor. Tremont & Park St.," circa 1853-1900

II. 20th century street scenes, 1933-1935digital content

Box 3#6.12.159 digitized
1: "Arlington St. Church, from Public Garden," 1933-1935
Box 3#6.12.160 digitized
2: "Tremont St., north from Hamilton Place," 1934
Box 3#6.12.161 digitized
3: "Tremont St. east side, west to Park St.," 1933-1935
Box 3#6.12.162 digitized
4: "Arlington St. 从公共花园看教堂”1933-1935年
Box 3#6.12.163 digitized
6: "Faneuil Hall Market," 1933-1935
Box 3#6.12.164 digitized
7: "Franklin St. up from Federal St.," 1933
Box 3#6.12.165 digitized
9: "St. Paul's & R. H. Stearn's, Tremont St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.166 digitized
10: "State St. up from Kilby St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.167 digitized
11: "Cor. Tremont & Boylston St., N.E. corner," 1933
Box 3#6.12.168 digitized
13: "New Old South Church, cor. Boylston & Dartmouth St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.169 digitized
16: "Cor. School & Wash. St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.170 digitized
17: "School St., up from Wash St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.171 digitized
20: "Bowdoin Sq., looking west on Cambridge St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.172 digitized
24: "Park St. up from Tremont St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.173 digitized
25: "State house," 1934
Box 3#6.12.174 digitized
26: "South St. west side, in front Kneeland St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.175 digitized
27: "Boylston St., east from Arlington St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.176 digitized
28: "Beacon St., east from front of State house," 1934
Box 3#6.12.177 digitized
29: "Cor. Beacon & Park St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.178 digitized
30: "N.E.T. & T. Co. Bldg., Bowdoin Sq.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.179 digitized
31: "Adams Sq., looking east to Faneuil Hall," 1934
Box 3#6.12.180 digitized
37: "Fort Hill Sq., north side," 1934
Box 3#6.12.181 digitized
38: "Cor. Wash. & Boylston St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.182 digitized
39: "Little Bldg., cor. Tremont & Boylston St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.183 digitized
40: "Federal St., east from Franklin St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.184 digitized
41: "Summer St. north side from Chauncy to Wash. St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.185 digitized
44: "Franklin St., down from Wash. St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.186 digitized
45: "School St., cor. of City Hall Ave.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.187 digitized
47: "Cor. Beacon & Park St., down Park St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.188 digitized
48: "Faneuil Hall Sq., south side," 1934
Box 3#6.12.189 digitized
49: "Bowdoin Sq., looking west," 1934
Box 3#6.12.190 digitized
50: "Cor. Broad & State St., S.W. corner," 1934
Box 3#6.12.191 digitized
51: "Adams & Dock Sq., down from Wash. St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.192 digitized
52: "Adams Sq., up Cornhill & Brattle St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.193 digitized
53: "Hotel Vendome, cor. Dartmouth St. & Com. Ave.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.194 digitized
54: "Summer St., north side, Federal to High St.," 1934
Box 3#6.12.195 digitized
55: "S.E. Cor. Congress & State St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.196 digitized
56: "Cor. Oliver & Purchase St., S.W. corner," 1934
Box 4#6.12.197 digitized
57: "Faneuil Hall Sq.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.198 digitized
58: "Arlington St. Church, cor. Arlington & Boylston St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.199 digitized
59: "Tremont & Hollis St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.200 digitized
60-A: "Wash. at head of Frank. St.," 1933-1935
Box 4#6.12.201 digitized
60-A: "Lauriat Bookstore, Wash. St. at head of Franklin St. (two 60-A slides)," 1934
Box 4#6.12.202 digitized
61: "Province Court, west to Province St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.203 digitized
62: "Custom House St., site of Old Custom House," 1934
Box 4#6.12.204 digitized
63: "Fort Hill Sq.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.205 digitized
64: "Cor. Columbia and Essex St., looking east on Essex St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.206 digitized
65: "View over Back Bay," 1934
Box 4#6.12.207 digitized
67: "Summer St., west from Church Green," 1934
Box 4#6.12.208 digitized
68: "Old Winthrop Place, Devonshire St., north from Summer St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.209 digitized
70: "Devonshire St., towards Summer St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.210 digitized
71: "City Hall," 1934
Box 4#6.12.211 digitized
73: "Copley Plaza Hotel," 1934
Box 4#6.12.212 digitized
74: "Washington St. east side, Milk to Franklin St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.213 digitized
75: "Site of the old Sheaffe House, cor. Columbia & Essex St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.214 digitized
76: "Hamilton Place," 1934
Box 4#6.12.215 digitized
77: "Cor. Dudley & Warren St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.216 digitized
78: "Cor. Tremont & Winter St.," 1933-1935
Box 4#6.12.217 digitized
79: "Tremont St., between Bromfield & School St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.218 digitized
80: "Beacon St., head of Park St.; Mt. Vernon St. once ended here," 1934
Box 4#6.12.219 digitized
81: "Mason St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.220 digitized
82: "Province St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.221 digitized
83: "Site of Mass. Char. Mech. Assoc. Bldg., cor. Columbus Ave. and Pleasant St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.222 digitized
84: "Avon St., east from Wash. St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.223 digitized
85: "Washington St. west side at Bromfield St.," 1933-1935
Box 4#6.12.224 digitized
86: "Tremont St. east side, between Court & School St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.225 digitized
87: "Scolly Sq. east side, between Cornhill & Brattle St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.226 digitized
88: "Boston Public Library," 1934
Box 4#6.12.227 digitized
89: "Cor. Court & Tremont St., looking south from Scolly Sq.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.228 digitized
90: "Washington St. east side, between Water & Milk St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.229 digitized
91: "Cor. State & Congress St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.230 digitized
92: "Bowdoin Sq., looking east," 1934
Box 4#6.12.231 digitized
93:“奥蒂斯街,从富兰克林街到夏街.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.232 digitized
94: "Boylston St. south side, west from Church St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.233 digitized
95: "Pemberton Sq., looking north," 1934
Box 4#6.12.234 digitized
97: "Cor. Beacon & Bowdoin St., looking west on Beacon St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.235 digitized
98: "Adams Sq., up from Faneuil Hall Sq.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.236 digitized
99: "Tremont St., north from Hollis St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.237 digitized
100: "Tremont St., south from Hollis St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.238 digitized
101: "Tremont St., north from Stuart St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.239 digitized
102: "Tremont St., south from Stuart St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.240 digitized
103: "Tremont St., north from Warrenton St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.241 digitized
104: "Tremont St., south from Warrenton St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.242 digitized
105: "Tremont St., north from Pleasant St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.243 digitized
106: "Site of Old Castle Sq. Theatre, Tremont St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.244 digitized
107: "Cor. Dartmouth and Boylston St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.245 digitized
108: "View over Boston, W.S.W. from State House," 1934
Box 4#6.12.246 digitized
Box 4#6.12.247 digitized
110: "View over Boston, N.W. from State House," 1934
Box 4#6.12.248 digitized
111: "View over Boston, N.N.W. from State House," 1934
Box 4#6.12.249 digitized
112: "View over Boston, E.S.E. from State House," 1934
Box 4#6.12.250 digitized
113: "View over Boston, N.E. from State House," 1934
Box 4#6.12.251 digitized
114: "View over Boston, S. from State House," 1934
Box 4#6.12.252 digitized
115: "View S.S.E. from State House, looking down Park St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.253 digitized
116: "View over Boston, N.W. from State House," 1934
Box 4#6.12.254 digitized
117: "Cor. Summer & High St., N.W. corner," 1934
Box 4#6.12.255 digitized
118: "Site of the New South Church, cor. Summer & Bedford St., " 1934
Box 4#6.12.256 digitized
119: "Bromfield St., up from Wash. St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.257 digitized
120: "Summer St., down from Wash. St., " 1934
Box 4#6.12.258 digitized
121: "Cor. Tremont St. & Temple Place," 1934
Box 4#6.12.259 digitized
123: "Park Sq., west from Boylston St.," 1934
Box 4#6.12.260 digitized
124: "Park Sq., as seen from the Common," 1934
Box 5#6.12.261 digitized
125: "Hotel Statler, Park Sq.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.262 digitized
126: "Beacon St., north from Park St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.263 digitized
127: "Cor. Tremont St. & Temple Place," 1934
Box 5#6.12.264 digitized
128: "Cor. Tremont & Boylston St., looking east on Boylston St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.265 digitized
第129条:“剑桥街哈里森·格雷·奥蒂斯大厦.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.266 digitized
130: "Site of the home of Gen. Crane, Tremont opp. Hollis St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.267 digitized
131:“科罗拉多州温德尔·菲利普斯家的遗址. Harrison Ave. & Essex St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.268 digitized
第132条:“华盛顿街老亚当斯故居旧址.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.269 digitized
134: "Boylston & Berkeley St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.270 digitized
第136条:“丹尼尔·韦伯斯特故居遗址,cor .. Summer & High St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.271 digitized
137: "School St., down from Province St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.272 digitized
138: "Pemberton Sq. view of West End," 1934
Box 5#6.12.273 digitized
139: "Brattle Sq., view in from Brattle St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.274 digitized
140: "Old State House," 1934
Box 5#6.12.275 digitized
141: "Providence St., south from Berkeley St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.276 digitized
142: "Quincy House, Brattle St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.277 digitized
143: "Brattle Sq.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.278 digitized
144: "Site of old Brattle St. Church, cor. Brattle St. & Brattle Sq.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.279 digitized
145: "Brattle Sq. North Side, looking towards Brattle St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.280 digitized
146: "Quincy House, looking up from Wash. St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.281 digitized
147: "Cor. Elm & Wash. St., N.W. corner," 1934
Box 5#6.12.282 digitized
149: "Pemberton Sq., looking south," 1934
Box 5#6.12.283 digitized
150:“老萨默塞特俱乐部会所旧址,cor. Beacon & Somerset St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.284 digitized
151: "Site of Amer. Unitarian Assoc. Bldg., cor. Beacon & Bowdoin St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.285 digitized
152: "Site of old Evans House, cor. Mason & Tremont St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.286 digitized
154: "Summer St. south side, up from Chauncy to Wash. St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.287 digitized
155: "Cor. Washington & Harvard Place at head of Milk St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.288 digitized
158: "Cor. Wash. & Essex St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.289 digitized
第159条:“华盛顿街旧亚当斯大厦旧址.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.290 digitized
160: "Hanover St., near No. Bennet St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.291 digitized
161: "Site of old Boylston Hotel, cor. Boylston & Tremont St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.292 digitized
162:“老环球剧院旧址,华盛顿街.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.293 digitized
163: "Chamber of Commerce," 1934
Box 5#6.12.294 digitized
Box 5#6.12.295 digitized
165: "Cor. Water & Wash. St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.296 digitized
166: "Cor. Court & Tremont St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.297 digitized
167: "Cor. Wash. & Elm St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.298 digitized
168: "Paul Revere House," 1934
Box 5#6.12.299 digitized
169: "Site of Albion Hotel, cor. Tremont & Beacon St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.300 digitized
170: "Tremont St. at junction of School & Beacon St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.301 digitized
171: "Washington St. west side, between School & Bromfield St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.302 digitized
172: "Site of Essex St. Church, cor. Essex & Chauncy St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.303 digitized
173: "Cor. Beach St. & Harrison Ave.," 1933-1935
Box 5#6.12.304 digitized
175: "Site of Federal St. Church, cor. Federal & Franklin St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.305 digitized
176: "Temple Place to Park St., Tremont St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.306 digitized
178: "Beacon St., east from Arlington St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.307 digitized
179: "Custom House," 1934
Box 5#6.12.308 digitized
180: "Mass. Gen. Hospital," 1934
Box 5#6.12.309 digitized
183年:“旧汉考克大厦旧址,比肯街.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.310 digitized
184: "Site of old National Theatre, cor. Portland & Traverse St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.311 digitized
185: "Commercial Wharf," 1934
Box 5#6.12.312 digitized
187: "Old State House, Washington St. end," 1934
Box 5#6.12.313 digitized
189: "Cor. Harrison Ave. & Essex St.," 1934
Box 5#6.12.314 digitized
190: "Old South Church, cor. Wash & Milk St.," 1935
Box 5#6.12.315 digitized
191: "Franklin St., up from Federal St.," 1935
Box 5#6.12.316 digitized
192: "Franklin St., down from Hawley St.," 1935
Box 5#6.12.317 digitized
195: "Chauncy St., north from Bedford St.," 1935
Box 5#6.12.318 digitized
196: "Cor. Huntington Ave. & Dartmouth St.," 1935
Box 5#6.12.319 digitized
197: "Brunswick Hotel," 1935
Box 5#6.12.320 digitized
1999年:“波士顿石,位于马歇尔街.," 1935

Preferred Citation

Boston, Mass. buildings and street scenes, Photo. Coll. 6.12, Massachusetts Historical Society Photo Archives.

Access Terms

这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Boston Public Library--Photographs.
Christ Church (Boston, Mass.)--Photographs.
Faneuil Hall (Boston, Mass.)--Photographs.
Massachusetts State House (Boston, Mass.)--Photographs.
Old South Church (Boston, Mass.)--Photographs.


Boston (Mass.)--Photographs.
Lantern slides.
Tremont Street (Boston, Mass.)--Photographs.