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Letter from James Sullivan to Jeremy Belknap, 30 July 1795, with letter from St. George Tucker to Jeremy Belknap, 10 February 1796

Letter from James Sullivan to Jeremy Belknap, 30 July 1795, with letter from St. George Tucker to Jeremy Belknap, 10 February 1796


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    In a letter dated 30 July 1795, James Sullivan comments on a letter written by St. George Tucker to Jeremy Belknap.  (It appears that Belknap forwarded to Sullivan Tucker's letter to Belknap dated 11 April 1795).  Sullivan sympathizes with Tucker's desire to end slavery, but expresses his own reservations, suggesting that it would be fallacious to assume that emancipation would result in the creation of industrious, regular, and productive citizens.  Sullivan's letter in turn was forwarded to St. George Tucker, who then returned it to Belknap with a letter dated 10 Feburary 1796.