22 September 1817
adams-john10 Neal Millikan

22. VI: Mr Rush called upon me this Morning immediately after breakfast, and accompanied me to the Office of the Department of State, where the official Oath, faithfully to execute the trust committed to me, prescribed by the act of Congress, establishing the Department of foreign Affairs, and the Oath to support the Constitution of the U. States were administered to me by Robert Brent a Justice of the Peace for the District of Columbia— The appointment of Chief Clerk in the Department has been vacant since the 4th. of March, by the resignation of Mr Graham. But the temporary appointment had been made of Daniel Brent who has been many years in the Office; and who was strongly recommended by the President, and Mr Rush— The other Clerks in the Office, Purviance, King, Richard Forrest and Moses Young, were introduced to me, and I confirmed them all in their respective Offices. I gave Brent the appointment of Chief Clerk— There were a multitude of Letters and despatches which have been laying for me some time on the table of the Office, and the Mail of the day brought many others— I had not time to read them all— I received from Mr Rush and Mr Brent some information with regard to the transaction of business at the Office— Brent says it is much in arrear, but without any accumulation of it since Mr Rush has been at the head of the Department— The Office hours are from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon. Mr Rush mentioned to me several affairs upon which the President, who left Town this morning for Virginia desired me to proceed immediately to business— There were in the course of the Morning several visitors at the Office—W. Lee. C. Cutts. S. Pleasanton, J. L. Cathcart &c— I came home about four O’Clock, and after dinner was writing most of the Evening. R. Rush, and R. Harrison were here. Mr Bagot the British Minister, and Mr Crawford Antrobus the Secretary of Legation, Mr Hyde de Neuville the French Minister, and Mr Roth his Secretary of Legation had left Cards this morning. Mrs. Bagot also visited Mrs Adams.