adams-john10 尼尔·米利根 插科打诨规则 南, 新闻

22. VI. 周五- H.RU.S. 在阅读《og体育官网》时,我 found my motion yesterday made to insert on the Journal my answer to the gag resolution— I moved to amend the journal by inserting that when my name was called I rose, 和 said I hold the resolution to be a violation of the Constitution of the United States, of the right of petition of my Constituents 和 of the 人 of the United States, 和 of my right to 作为国会议员的言论自由 asked if my motion was debatable; I said I hoped it was, 和 that the house would allow me to debate it— 恩 moved to lay my motion on the table— I asked for the yeas 和 nays, but they were refused 和 the motion was laid on the table—but my answer was entered 《og体育官网》 巴顿 来了 charged 与 a speech to prevent this entry up《og体育官网》 恩’s motion to lay mine on the table balked him; 和 I bantered him on his Resolution, till he said that if the question ever came to the issue of War, the Southern people would march into New-Engl和 和 conquer it— I said, I had no doubt they would if they could, 和 that it was what they were now struggling for 与 all their might— I told him that I entered my Resolution on the Journal because I meant his name should go down to posterity, damned to everlasting fame— He forced a smile 和 said we should then go down together— I replied precisely—side by side—that was what I intended— So conscious was he of the odious character of his Resolution that he dared not resect these remarks—but he dared not object to 恩’s motion to lay mine on the table; which precisely answered my purpose of having my answer entered upon the Journal. He soon after rose from his seat 和 left the House.-来自 Committees were then called for, which occupied more than an hour— I moved from the Committee of Manufactures that the Report of the Committee made at the last Winter’s Session should be recommitted, which 被命令.— Private business taken up— Committee of the whole— 瑞米伦贝格加兰 先后在椅子上 Thirty or forty Bills from the Committee of claims, passed through the Committee 和 the House 与out opposition— I had a long conversation 与 Mr 库欣 他的演讲的某些部分 710og体育平台公众的收集和保管 Revenue-particularly在 华盛顿的 《og体育平台》和我的三篇论文 on neutrality in April 1793— I was called out to attend a meeting of the Massachusetts Delegation to consult upon what can be done for Mr 弗莱彻-波士顿阿特拉斯已经出现了暴力 against him for his disavowal of parts of his Speech in Faneuil Hall, as 在那篇论文中有报道. They affirm that he revised 和 corrected the Speech before it was published 和 afterwards revised a pamphlet edition of it for the publication of which he partly paid; 和 circulated great 他们的数量由他的坦率.- - - - - -之间 霍顿 一边是地图集编辑,一边是 六名成员 众议院筹款委员会(Committee of Ways 和 Means 另外,他的情况很令人痛心.事实据说是那样的 展示缜密心思 报道了 演讲-这是给Mr 弗莱彻, revise but that being much engaged in other business, he did not revise it— And now he st和s charged 与 calumny, prevarication 和 falsehood, when in fact he is a man of strict veracity, incapable of any wilful 谎言或歪曲- 菲利普斯 告诉我 詹姆斯 T. 奥斯丁他想取代弗莱彻,回到过去 Congress in his place was at the bottom of this explosion in the Atlas, 和 霍顿, is a man who cannot fail to ruin any cause which relies upon him— There is an Article in the Boston daily Advertiser, well written 和 sensible 和 cool, on the subject— 里德 undertook to have this republished in the National Intelligencer, 和 that was all the meeting could agree upon— The 出席会议的委员有 布里格斯, 卡尔豪, Grennell 黑斯廷斯, 林肯菲利普斯、里德和我.— I 我很乐意帮助你r 弗莱彻,可是霍顿 has made it impossible for the present— I walked from the Capitol 与 菲利普斯 和 parted from him at the corner of 7th. Street in which he lodges— I came home 和 dined. Immediately after dinner I received three Letters by the express mail— 两个从 J. 波特觉得 在塞勒姆约会 19th. 第三个来自 托马斯·F. 年轻的 of New-York dated yesterday—each enclosing a Letter to Mr 菲利普斯,我被要求交付 to him, announcing the sudden, 和 almost instantaneous death of 他的妻子 上周二 immediately after dinner— I went immediately 与 the Letters to 711Governor 林肯’s lodgings called him out from the company of other lodgers there, communicated to him the melancholy tidings of the Letters 和 asked him to go 与 me to Mr 菲利普斯的住处-我们问过了 第一次 Mr Milligan 谁住在同一所房子里,但他已经不在了 家-但是Mr 库欣和Mr 菲力普斯先生,并且已经把这事告诉了他 the calamity— I found him in his chamber on his bed in the deepest affliction— He asked me to read to him the Letters which I had received for him which I did; 和 they renewed his sobbing 和 moaning 和 tender lamentations at his bereavement— Governor 林肯 advised him to go off 今晚去巴尔的摩,去找Mr John 里德 to engage him to go 与 him— While Governor 林肯 was gone, I took the first opportunity to remind him of the arrangements necessary to prepare for his departure— He then left his bed 和 looked over some papers which he gave to me to look to during his absence—和 others which he reserved for Governor 林肯— The Governor soon returned 与 Mr 里德说他会和我一起去 菲利普斯— They were to start at ten O’Clock in the open mail waggon—for 巴尔的摩——我大约8点离开他们. 回到家却写不出这些 晚上.