Center for the Teaching of History


历史教学中心自豪地为K-12教师和高中生提供三个奖学金,以探索马萨诸塞州历史学会的档案.  这些奖学金面向全国所有K-12教育工作者和高中生.  Explore details of each fellowship and apply below!

Swensrud Teacher Fellowship

Each summer, 斯旺斯鲁德教师奖学金项目为教育工作者提供了利用马萨诸塞州历史学会(MHS)收藏的文件和文物研究和制作教育材料的机会。.  我们正在寻找能够确定您的课程中需要的领域的申请,并提出开发满足该需求的主要来源课程材料的想法.

The MHS will offer three Swensrud fellowships during the summer of 2022.  The fellowships carry a stipend of $4,为期四周的研究和创建两个或更多文档集(详情见下文).  欢迎任何K-12教师或图书馆媒体专家的申请,他们希望使用MHS的收藏来准备美国历史领域的主要资源集, world history, or English language arts.  

Due to Covid-19 concerns, onsite research opportunities may be limited.  如果愿意,学员可以选择使用数字化材料进行完全远程的工作, 不过,如果他们愿意的话,也应该有机会进行现场研究. Prospective applicants are encouraged to browse the Society's online resources to get a sense of MHS collections that might support your research. 

After completing the 20 days of research, Swensrud研究员将被要求制作2个或更多的文件集和相关材料供其他教育工作者使用.  这些文档集应该包括至少15个文档或工件. Each document set should include the following:

  • A short overview of the topic and its significance (3-4 paragraphs)
  • 从文学硕士历史和社会研究或ELA/扫盲框架适用的标准列表
  • Several essential questions that relate to the document set
  • Document list (i.e. 包含至少3个文档、文档摘录或工件的引用链接的项目列表.  Each item should have the following: 
    • A one-paragraph description of each item's significance/educational value
    • An image or photograph of each item, or links to images on our website
    • A transcript of any written excerpts for use in the classroom
  • 2-3 sample classroom activities based on the document set

Research must be completed and document sets submitted by January 15th, 2023.  Swensrud研究员开发的资源将通过我们的网站提供给其他教育工作者使用.

Swensrud Fellowship Application Process


Swensrud Fellowship applications should be submitted via our online application form by midnight on March 10, 2022. Applicants should provide the following materials:

  • A current resume
  • A letter of intent (no longer than two pages, 单行行距),确定课程中需要的领域,以及开发满足该需求的主要课程材料的想法.
  • 3-5 MHS collections, exhibits, 或MHS档案中的特定项目,您有兴趣作为研究的一部分进行探索. We recommend exploring our website, our collection guides, and particularly our online collections.
  • og体育平台与您的主题相关的og体育官网的可访问性和可用性的问题, prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Library Reader Services via email or virtual chat. For questions about your proposal and research questions, please email MHS Education Staff.
  • A letter of support from your school principal or department head
  • A sample lesson plan or classroom activity that you have developed.  它可以是任何主题,不必与你申请的主题相同.

The fellowship process is competitive. Awards will be made on the strength of 1) project design; 2) the plan for using MHS collections; 3) the creativity of the proposed classroom activities; 4) usability of the proposed research in other classrooms; 5) recommendations; 6) the sample classroom materials.

Please direct questions to the Center for the Teaching of History at

Kass Teacher Fellowships

Each summer, 卡斯教师奖学金计划让教育工作者有机会在马萨诸塞州历史学会进行为期20天的研究,研究他们选择的主题. 卡斯奖学金旨在为K-12教师提供专注于历史研究的机会,以填补知识空白或解决课程中的需求.  This fellowship will carry a stipend of $2,000 for four weeks of research with MHS collections, 教师们将在研究结束时完成一份3页的研究报告.

The MHS will offer one Kass Fellowship during the summer of 2022.  欢迎任何K-12教师或图书馆媒体专家的申请,他们希望使用MHS的藏品来探索美国历史领域的主题, world history, or English language arts.  

Due to Covid-19 concerns, onsite research opportunities may be limited.  如果愿意,学员可以选择使用数字化材料进行完全远程的工作, 不过,如果他们愿意的话,也应该有机会进行现场研究. Prospective applicants are encouraged to browse the Society's online resources to get a sense of MHS collections that might support your research. 

After completing the 20 days of research, Kass fellows will be asked to produce a report of approximately 3 pages or 1,500 words on their research process and findings.  他们还将被要求提交一份清单,列出他们在研究过程中使用的重要资源.  卡斯研究员开发的资源将通过我们的网站和MHS博客提供给其他教育工作者使用.  Research must be completed and the report submitted by January 15th, 2023. 

Kass Fellowship Application Process


Kass Fellowship applications should be submitted via our online application form by midnight on March 10, 2022. Applicants should provide the following materials:

  • A current resume
  • A letter of intent (no longer than two pages, 单行间距),确定内容知识差距或解决您希望通过研究解决的课程需求领域
  • 3-5 MHS collections, exhibits, 或MHS档案中的特定项目,您有兴趣作为研究的一部分进行探索. We recommend exploring our website, our collection guides, and particularly our online collections.
  • For questions about collections materials related to your topic, prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Library Reader Services via email or virtual chat. For questions about your proposal and research questions, please email MHS Education Staff.
  • A letter of support from your school principal or department head

The fellowship process is competitive. Awards will be made on the strength of 1) project design; 2) the plan for using MHS collections; 3) the creativity of the proposed classroom activities; 4) usability of the proposed research in other classrooms; 5) recommendations letters.

Please direct questions to the Center for the Teaching of History at

John Winthrop Student Fellowship


马萨诸塞州历史学会(MHS)将在2022年春季为一名学生或一组最多五名学生和他们的老师顾问提供一名约翰温斯洛普学生奖学金.  约翰·温斯洛普学生研究员(s)和他们的老师将分别获得$350的津贴,以完成他们的项目使用MHS档案收藏的材料.

Due to Covid-19 concerns, onsite research opportunities may be limited.  如果愿意,学员可以选择使用数字化材料进行完全远程的工作, 不过,如果他们愿意的话,也应该有机会进行现场研究. Prospective applicants are encouraged to browse the Society's online resources to get a sense of MHS collections that might support your research. 

After receiving the fellowship, 学生必须在导师满意的情况下完成他们的项目,并在MHS网站上写一篇og体育平台他们经历的博客文章.  This report is due on July 1st, 2022.  当指导老师对学生的工作感到满意时,将通知MHS.

John Winthrop Student Fellowship Application Process


学生应该与学校的指导老师(现任或过去的历史或英语老师)协商决定一个研究项目, a member of the Library/Media staff, or other)  This can be a project already assigned in class, or an independent project you wish to work on.

Fellowship applications should be submitted via our online application form by midnight on March 10, 2022.  The application should include the following:

  • a proposal of no more than 500 words that explores the following:
    • What is your topic and why are you interested in it? What questions do you have about your topic that you want to investigate?
    • What kind of project are you planning to do? (Examples: An essay, a podcast, an exhibit or poster board, a website, etc.)
  • 3-5 MHS collections, exhibits, 或MHS档案中的特定项目,您有兴趣作为研究的一部分进行探索. We recommend exploring our website, our collection guides, and particularly our online collections.
  • og体育平台与您的主题相关的og体育官网的可访问性和可用性的问题, prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Library Reader Services via email or virtual chat. For questions about your proposal and research questions, please email MHS Education Staff.
  • A recommendation letter from your teacher-advisor for the fellowship project

If you have any questions, please email the Center for the Teaching of History at

Our 2021 Fellowship Recipients!

We are proud to announce our 2021 Teacher and Student Fellowship Winners:

Swensrud Teacher Fellowship:

Laura Asson, Pathfinder Regional Vocational Technical High School, Palmer MA

Alison Courchesne, Framingham High School, Framingham MA

Michael Houle, Codman Academy Charter Public School, Boston MA

Kass Teacher Fellowship:

Jessica DellAquila, Jeremiah E. Burke High School, Boston MA

John Winthrop Student Fellowship:

Megan, Boston Latin Academy, Boston MA

Nikhil, Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, Acton MA

Sam, Noble and Greenough School, Dedham MA

Congratulations to our 2022Teacher and Student fellows, and we look forward to learning from your research at the MHS this year!